International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

(By Aryavart International University, India)

E-ISSN:2454-9258 | P-ISSN:2454-809X | Estd Year: 2015

Impact Factor(2021): 5.246 | Impact Factor(2022): 5.605


Vol. 10, Issue 1, Jan-Dec 2024

Research Article

 Page no: 1 - 16

Securing Healthcare Systems: Addressing Challenges in Protecting Big Data, AI and ERP Systems

Sunil Kumar Sehrawat

The paper briefly introduces big data and its role in healthcare applications. It highlights how big data architecture and techniques are continuously aiding in managing the rapid ...

Research Article

 Page no: 17 - 23

Optimization Of Medical Resource Allocation Using Linear Programming Techniques

Dr. Rajendra Singh

Due to the constantly changing patient hundreds in hospitals either personal or government the hassle increases with additional time assigning one-of-a-kind surgeries, allocation o...

Research Article

 Page no: 34 - 42

Analyzing Fluoride-Induced Toxicity in Human Health: Case Studies and Applied Interventions for Safe Drinking Water

Dr. Rajesh Verma, Saumya Rani

In fluoride-endemic Bihar, India, drinking water contamination is a severe public health hazard. This research explores the health effects of fluoride-related toxicity in rural Bih...

Research Article

 Page no: 24 - 33

Effects of Fluoride on Plant Physiology: A Study of Growth, Photosynthesis, and Nutrient Uptake

Dr. Rajesh Verma, Naveena Yadav

Fluoride contamination in soil and water is a significant environmental issue, particularly in certain regions of India, where agricultural practices are heavily impacted by elevat...

Research Article

 Page no: 43 - 49

Patient Attitude on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Care

Sri Sai Devi Bhagavan Sidhvik Suhas Alladaboina

The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in diabetes care has introduced innovative tools for disease management, early diagnosis, and patient engagement. This paper explore...

Research Article

 Page no: 50 - 55

Employability Of Natural Language Processing (NLP) Algorithmic Techniques In Developing And Enhancing The Efficacy Of Performance Analysis Of Ensemble...


Social media platforms such as Twitter have influenced public opinion and sentiment that grows by the day and has made sentiment analysis indispensable. However, traditional machin...