International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

(By Aryavart International University, India)

E-ISSN:2454-9258 | P-ISSN:2454-809X | Estd Year: 2015

Impact Factor(2021): 5.246 | Impact Factor(2022): 5.605


Employability Of Natural Language Processing (NLP) Algorithmic Techniques In Developing And Enhancing The Efficacy Of Performance Analysis Of Ensemble Methods On Twitter Sentiment Analysis


Vol. 10, Issue 1, Jan-Dec 2024

Page Number: 50 - 55


Social media platforms such as Twitter have influenced public opinion and sentiment that grows by the day and has made sentiment analysis indispensable. However, traditional machine learning approaches often come up short when they are made to face the noisy, high-dimensional, and context-dependent nature of Twitter data. The paper focuses on using ensemble methods to improve the performance of sentiment analysis tasks. This research integrated advanced ensemble techniques such as Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, and Stacking with state-of-the-art NLP methods. This study focuses on the different pre-processing pipelines of feature extraction using TF-IDF, Word2Vec, BERT embeddings, and hyper parameter optimization that play a crucial role in classifying sentiment for models. The experimental results show that ensemble methods outperform traditional machine learning algorithms with significantly higher accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scores. Among the methods, Stacking proves to be the most effective because it utilizes the complementary strengths of base models. The results emphasize the capability of ensemble learning combined with advanced NLP techniques to deal with the complexities of Twitter sentiment analysis. This research provides valuable insights for academics and industry professionals looking to improve text classification systems in dynamic and challenging domains.


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