International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

(By Aryavart International University, India)

E-ISSN:2454-9258 | P-ISSN:2454-809X | Estd Year: 2015

Impact Factor(2020): 4.805 | Impact Factor(2021): 5.246


Risks in Adolescence for Clustered Cardiovascular: A Factor Analysis

Jaspreet Singh

Vol. 6, Jan-Dec 2020

Page Number: 024-027


The research concludes that risk clusters of cardiovascular diseases (CV), even though the onset of atherosclerotic heart diseases, can not be seen before adulthood, start early in childhood. Buggy et al. ( 2012) states that cardiovascular disease clustering (CVD) risk factors in children as young as 9 years of age were found. They recommend that preventive strategies start at the early age of school. Goodman et al. (2005) point out the predominant correlation between obesity and risks for clustered cardiovascular disease among youth. Their conclusion stems from an exploratory factor analysis done among the students from seventh to twelfth at a school district cohort in Ohio which constituted a diverse but large population of non-Hispanic Black and White children. Different (though limited) studies on the subject only confirm and extend the developments made by each other. This article is a literature review into studies that aimed to analyze factors for clustered cardiovascular risks in adolescence.

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