Atul Kalkhanda
Vol. 3, Jan-Dec 2017
Page Number: 96 - 101
In today’s swiftly changing technological landscape, social media has become a defining factor of speed, interaction between community members and distant groups that are invariably connected for several different issues.The demographic profiling of social media is indicative of people from a wide spectrum, gender, ethnicity, age interacting and collaborating to chare benefits in diverse domains. Social media plays a major role in education system and students academics. It can be used for classroom teaching, for conducting academic discussion with friends and mentors, posting notes, sharing and accessing course related videos,preparing assignments, improving writing ability etc. Under restricted conditions of use, the social media can empower the student community while any gross misuse is highly likely to lead to lowering the grades. This paper attempts to explore the impact of social media, the research methodology is based on primary data collection and statistical based on the hypothesis testing as linked to a regression analysis on the sample population of hundred people.