Rishi Jain
S Venkatesan
Vol. 3, Jan-Dec 2017
Page Number: 36 - 46
The need to perform complicated statistic analysis of big data by institutions of engineering, scientific research, health care, commerce, banking and computerresearch is immense. It is widely recognized that OLTP and OLAP queries have different data access patterns, processing needs and requirements. Therefore, the OLTP and OLAP queries are specifically handled by two different systems, and the data are periodically extracted from the OLTP system, transformed and loaded into the OLAP system for data analysis.Learning “Data Analysis with R” not only adds to existing analytics knowledge and methodology, but also equips with exposure into latest analytics techniques including forecasting, social media analytics, text mining & so on.Enterprise with a cloud environment can encompass cost of hardware, upgrading software, maintenance or network configuration, thus it making it more economical.
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