Vanshika Goel
Vol. 8, Jan-Dec 2022
Page Number: 127 - 138
Over the past few decades, the computing industry has experienced significant transformations. Conventional computers carry out user-specified tasks using binary (1s and 0s) integers. A novel approach known as "quantum computing" makes use of the ideas of quantum physics to solve issues that are too complex for traditional computing equipment. Machine learning and quantum computing are two of the scientific domains that are expanding at the quickest rates at now. Recently, studies have been conducted to see whether quantum computing may enhance traditional machine learning techniques. Quantum machine learning refers to hybrid approaches that integrate classical and quantum algorithms, evaluating quantum states instead of regular data using quantum methodologies. Quantum algorithms hold great promise for improving data science methods. In this work, we first provide an overview of the various contributions made by researchers in the field of quantum learning, and we then examine some of the techniques associated with its practical applications.