International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

(By Aryavart International University, India)

E-ISSN:2454-9258 | P-ISSN:2454-809X | Estd Year: 2015

Impact Factor(2020): 4.805 | Impact Factor(2021): 5.246


Developing an Integrated Model for Optimization of the Performance of Utilizing Green Information Technology for Energy Harvesting

Chandan Bansal

Vol. 7, Jan-Dec 2021

Page Number: 196-210


Green information technology (IT) has the potential to revolutionize energy harvesting practices. Innovative approaches can be devised to capture energy from renewable sources like sunlight and wind, harnessing the capabilities of IT. This harvested energy can then be utilized to power households and perform various daily tasks. In this paper, we explore the opportunities presented by green IT for energy harvesting and discuss several applications. Among these, the utilization of intelligent grids stands out as a promising method for leveraging green IT in energy collection. Intelligent grids gather data from various components and transmit it to a central hub, aiming to optimize energy usage. By analyzing this data, the most cost-effective and efficient energy sources for a particular location can be identified, facilitating the integration of solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources into a more sustainable energy system. Additionally, green IT enables the development of efficient energy storage systems. By leveraging information technology, we can create energy storage solutions that are both effective and cost-efficient, utilizing batteries, solar energy systems, and other renewable resources. This ensures that energy remains readily available whenever and wherever needed, contributing to the establishment of a reliable energy storage infrastructure.

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