Sourav Malik
Vol. 3, Issue 1, Jan-Dec 2017
Page Number: 127 - 130
Vehicle number plate detection assumes a significant part in this bustling world because of the substantial ascent in vehicles step by step. Passing the tollbooths without paying the cash, taking vehicles, defying traffic norms, coming into confined spaces are expanding straight. Subsequently, to prevent the present circumstance, vehicle number plate discovery is proposed. Among the significant interaction steps like identifying the number plate, division of characters and acknowledgement of each character, division assumes an important part. Various calculations are produced to keep away from issues like undesirable splendour and slant that debases the division, which influences the detection accuracy. We proposed a way to deal with Vehicle Number Plate Detection utilizing the CNN model, part of Deep Learning. Our model is pre-prepared by taking care of 80000 pictures, including pictures that are not Indian vehicles and don't have number plates in them. Our methodology is basic, quick and reasonable and doesn't need immense equipment.
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