Vanshika Goel
Sainyam Goel
Vol. 2, Jan-Dec 2016
Page Number: 314 - 366
The common country hen, the desi, is as a rule the best mother for hatching. She is a good forager. Some of the Indian fowls resemble the Leghorn in size and shape, but have poor laying qualities. They are found in various colours. One variety found in India resembles the Sussex or Plymouth Rock in shape, but is smaller. These birds lay fairly well and are more common in the eastern parts of the country. The Indian birds are mostly non-descript, and are of very little value as layers. They have several local breed names such as Naked Neck, Punjab Brown, Ghagus, Lolab, Kashmiri Favorolla, Teri, Busra, Tellicherry, Danki, Nicobari and Kalahasti, Haringhata Black. There are only 4 pure breeds of fowls indigenous to India. They are the Chittagong, the Aseel, the Kadaknath and the Busra. The last occurs in western India. A large number of fowls of different sizes, shapes and colours, and for the most part resembling the Red jungle fowls, are found all over India. They vary in appearance according to the locality in which they have been bred.