Vanshika Goel
Sainyam Goel
Vol. 2, Jan-Dec 2016
Page Number: 304 - 313
Every organism has its own habitat, which may or may not different from other micro organisms. For isolation of micro organism from different places or things can explain the flora of that place. Micro organisms are not present only on the things or places but they are very important part of human life. Human body can carry specific micro flora in their body. Different organ have different micro flora. Intestine carries E.coli & Clostridium spp., vagina carries Lactobacillus such as L.crispatus, conjunctiva carries Haemophillus spp. & Streptococci (various spp.), ear carries Diptheroids, Pseudomonas spp. and throat carries Staphylococcus aureus etc as their normal flora. As well as skin is the most exposed part to the outer environment of the body so maximum number of micro organisms present on it. Most Moist and dry areas of body has large number of organisms because pH and temperature of the body are altered. PASTEUR, KOCH, and their contemporaries were among the first to identify a specific bacterium with a specific disease. Since that time, medical microbiology has made great advances in laboratory diagnosis of disease, and in understanding pathogenesis and the role of immunity in the infectious cycle. Yet, many of the diseases common in the late 1800s remain with us today.