Arya Jhamb
Vol. 5, Jan-Dec 2019
Page Number: 173 - 183
Humans are used to classifying whatever they have around them, and what they see, there are many ways to classify objects that we see all around us, there are many categories in which things we see have been calculated but this is the first scale that I have seen that gives classification to not an existing object but something that has an idea, this is not entirely explored, and we don’t even know if it is out there or neither can we confirm the existence of the things we are classifying. The Kardashev scale classifies civilizations based on how much energy they intake is done by a civilization the more energy taken by a civilization the tiger they get on the scale. This scale does not only stop on a planet; instead, it goes far out of what an average person thinks about or even is capable of right now to execute. On this scale, we would be talking about civilizations that are less advanced than us and civilizations that are more advanced than us. The scale uses energy as its medium to classify civilizations. While this board is lonely like the universe, there is no other civilization that humans, there can be some nonexistent civilization on the scale. But that does not help in comparing humans in the real world.